Thom Britton is back with his latest video! He discusses how to nicely turn down free work, how to get something of value in return if you do work for…

This past weekend, I attended the Theatre New Mexico Festival which took place on April 8 – 10 and was held in downtown Las Vegas, New Mexico. Many movies and…

William Rader was recently interviewed on Bill Gladwell’s Hey! Look at Me Podcast. In this episode, William talks about being a performer as a mentalist and creating WellAttended, an online…

See if this sounds familiar… The first three shows that I produced were quite a learning experience. My goal was to produce a variety show that took place over three…

We are excited this week to share our third interview with Joanne Bernstein. Joanne is an educator, author, consultant, speaker and manager for non-profit organizations, primarily in the field of arts…

Here at WellAttended, we specialize in helping arts organizations manage their box offices. This means that we occasionally answer questions from patrons about upcoming shows. The most popular question patrons…

This week, we interviewed Mitch Stark from Theatre Avenue. Mitch is a poster and projection designer for theatrical shows. He shares the insights he’s gained from 7 years designing for…
In the third part of our three part series, Thom Britton answers our theatre marketing questions including when to start marketing your show, which marketing channels are most effective, and…

This is a guest post by JD Stewart who trains and coaches sales teams, business owners, and executives to improve their productivity, communication and marketing skills. In this article, JD Stewart…

We are excited to share our recent interview with Joanne Bernstein. Joanne is an educator, author, consultant, speaker and manager for non-profit organizations, primarily in the field of arts and culture…