We are happy to announce that we now have reserved seating! This means that patrons can choose where they want to sit when purchasing tickets online and box office managers can…

Let’s celebrate! You can now offer season tickets and flex passes to your patrons! Season tickets and flex passes are a fantastic way to offer patrons discounts and first choice in seating….

We are happy to announce our latest feature for WellAttended. You can now create a custom message that will be displayed on the purchase confirmation page and in the purchase…

Before you can create an event page and sell tickets, you must first create a link that you’ll give to customers so they can see your events. To do this,…

Our most requested feature to date has been promotional codes. After many hours of coding, Micah has added this feature to your dashboard. You can now create and give promotional…

We use Stripe as our payment gateway to process ticket purchases. Stripe allows our users to accept all major credit cards and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1,…

No one likes giving refunds, but occasionally unforeseen situations occur when an event needs to be canceled or an attendee can’t make it to a show. Instead of asking us…