This week, I traveled to Kennebunkport, Maine to hang out with Peter Boie. He has been having a ton of success with his weekly show, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. We started with a tour of his venue at Colony Hotel which was built in 1914 and was designed to be summer homes for the rich and famous. Paul then took us on a tour of the city that included a visit to the Bush Compound. Sadly, there was so much fog that we couldn’t see a thing! What a great excuse for another visit. 😉
Check out his amazing promo video below.
Peter decided to start a weekly show over the summer since Kennebunkport is a tourist attraction and it’s close to home. We’ve been working with Peter for the past two seasons, and he’s gone from selling a handful of tickets each night to regularly selling over 50 tickets each night. It’s been a real pleasure to be a part of his success.
Here’s what Peter says about WellAttended:
“I use WellAttended for my weekly show Conjuring at the Colony and I love it! It’s a simple, straight forward ticketing solution for me and my ticket buyers. I don’t want any friction in the ticket buying process and WellAttended makes it super easy to buy tickets. The team at WellAttended is extremely easy to work with because they care and know that my success is theirs.”
Peter will be a guest on the upcoming WellAttended Summit where he’ll talk about his secrets to success in the college market, why he started a weekly show close to home, and how in two seasons he’s made it a sold out success.
Click the link below to learn more about the Summit and sign up for updates for when it goes live!

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Over 20 entertainers share their secrets to success.