Before you produce an event, it’s important to estimate your expenses and revenue to know how much you can make.
Your expenses may include your venue, insurance, talent, staff, marketing, and miscellaneous items like renting chairs or lights. Your revenue may include ticket sales, sponsorships, and selling concessions and products.
Estimating your expenses and revenue will let you see if your goals are realistic and help you understand the best ways to make money.
That’s why we’ve created this simple, interactive calculator. It will make it easy for you to crunch your numbers. Just enter your estimated expenses and revenue to learn how much money you can make from your event.
How easy is it? Try it out below!
You should experiment with the above estimates to understand how you can make the money you want to make. Then set a realistic goal and start producing your event.
Now that you understand how much you can make from your event, you need a way to sell tickets. Click here to sign up for WellAttended for free to start making your event a reality. We look forward to working with you soon!