We have added a new feature to WellAttended that allows ticket purchasers and event producers to reassign tickets by changing the names, emails, and phone numbers of ticket holders. This option is located on the bottom right of the ticket and can be turned on or off in the General > Settings area of the dashboard.
The ability to change ticket holders lets customers purchase tickets for their friends or add the names of people in their party. This is perfect for large groups who will be arriving at an event at separate times. Ticket holders can be changed after an order is complete and when the customers are viewing their tickets.
Note: This also allows the event producer to collect more contacts for future event advertising.
Producers can also quickly update their attendee lists by changing ticket holders. Simply click on an attendee’s name in the attendee lists, and click “Change Ticket Holder” on the ticket at the top of the page.
The first and last name fields are required, but if a customer enters an email address, the new ticket holder will receive a notification email with a link to view the ticket. The attendee list will also immediately update with the new ticket holder’s information, allowing the event producer to capture the information. If the email field is left blank, the ticket will still be reassigned, but the new ticket holder will not receive an email. The email field will also remain blank on your attendee list.
In the attendee list below, Fred Meyers was reassigned a ticket without the purchaser/producer filling out the email or phone number fields. As you can see, those fields are blank in the attendee list.
Check out this new feature in your dashboard, visit https://wellattended.com/dashboard. Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below.