Theatre Marketing

Humor College with Brad Montgomery

By May 28, 2019 No Comments

Are You Tired of Being Dull in Front of Your Audiences?


Now is your chance to discover The REAL secrets for getting huge laughs, thunderous applause, and rave reviews from the top speakers, humorists, and comedians on the planet.

You’re invited to a front row seat as Brad Montgomery grills the experts for their best humor & comedy skills, techniques, and tactics that you will incorporate into your program immediately. Humor College includes 7 interviews with over 10 hours of content.

You know that the funny speakers are the ones who make the most money, get booked back consistently, and are most able to deliver meaningful messages that stick.

You also know that YOU aren’t as funny as you need to be. Or as funny as you can be.

You need to learn real humor that works for real audiences anywhere. But the thought of just trying out some dumb jokes you read on the Internet scares you silly.

And although you know your topic, you don’t have ANY idea where to start when it comes to adding more humor to your presentation.

Well lucky you! We’ve put together a team of experts to help you navigate your way to more laughs. What you’ll be hearing has NEVER been revealed like this before.

What You Will Learn in Humor College


How to add comedy to your stories. Doug Stevenson explains how to write imbroglio stories and how to use them to make your audience laugh. You’ll also learn why watching other comedians is important step on your journey to being more funny.

Discover how to make people laugh. People Aren’t Born Funny. Darren LaCroix leads you through how humor works, explains how to shorten your comedy learning curve, and tells you how to create your own humor to lighten up your presentations.

Why pre-program research is vital to the success of your presentation. Tom Antion explains how to research your audience before your event and how to use that knowledge to create comedy for that specific group. He also teaches you how to use over 20 comedy techniques including acronyms, alliterations, anachronisms, audience gags, exaggerations, pleonasms, fake surveys, and malapropisms.

How to use humor to increase your back of room sales. James Malinchak explains how to structure your presentation so that the audience wants to buy your products. He talks about how to associate your products with laughter and shares real life examples of how he sells. (This alone is worth the price of this course.)

How to be confident to make your stories funny. Patricia Fripp explains how to work with a friend to find stories that can be stretched with comedic details. You’ll also learn how to use punch phrases, punch looks, gestures, and pauses to get the audience laughing.

The step by step process to develop comedy material without writing a single joke. Steve Roye discusses how to find the comedy in the stories you tell. He guides you through his Killer Stand Up System that will let you discover the comedy in your material by being yourself.

Understand the art and science behind creating comedy. Mark Mayfield discusses how to create a humor bank to draw funny material from when you create your presentations. He also explains how to create segues and how to best tell stories to keep your audience on track with your message.

Who Are Our Experts?


Here’s the incredible lineup of expert speakers and comedians:

Doug Stevenson – The founder and president of Story Theater International, a speaking, training and consulting company. He is a professional speaker, author of Never Be Boring Again, Get More Laughs, and the creator of the Story Theater Method.

Darren LaCroix – Toastmaster World Champion, Professional Speaker and Comic, and the originator of Humor Boot Camp. His book, Laugh & Get Rich: How to Profit from Humor in Any Business, contains interviews with corporate executives who share his philosophy.

Tom Antion – A business consultant and public speaker who helps small businesses thrive online. He’s been featured on major media all around the world including the Canadian Broadcast Network, the Australian Broadcast Network and the Tokyo Today show.

James Malinchak – Recognized as one of the most requested, in-demand business and motivational keynote speakers and business marketing consultants in the world. Featured on the ABC’s Secret Millionaire, co-authored the Best-Selling book, Chicken Soup for the College Soul, and was twice named “College Speaker of the Year.”

Patricia Fripp – Executive speech coach and sales presentation skills trainer, named “One of the 10 most electrifying speakers in North America”, she has been inducted in the CPAE, Hall of Fame and received the Cavett Award (considered the Oscar of speaking).

Steve Roye – Professional Comedian and best selling author of the globally recognized Killer Stand-up Comedy System which has been sold in over 20 countries around the globe. He is also the inventor of the Comedy Evaluator Pro performance evaluation software which is featured in the documentary “I Am Comic”.

Mark Mayfield – The Corporate Comedian, Hall of Fame Speaker, has shared the stage with Paul Newman, Peter Frampton, Colin Powell, and Bob Newhart. Introduced the President of the United States on a live, nationwide television broadcast.

And all the interviews are hosted by Brad Montgomery – Certified Speaking Professional, Hall of Fame Speaker, Comedian, and Author.

Every single person in this course can get an “appropriate” laugh pretty much any time they want to. Can you?

This course is for any speaker or entertainer – at any level – who is serious about being funnier and getting more laughs.

If you are ready to invest in yourself, your program, and your ability to truly communicate with any audience, then this course is for you.

Your next presentation is guaranteed to get more laughs!

Learn More about Humor College.

Get more laughs from your performances.

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