So You Want to Be a Motivational Speaker?
Learn how to be a motivational speaker from Hall of Fame Speaker Brad Montgomery. Finally, there is a one-stop audio course with all of the REAL short cuts, secrets and details of how to get started in this crazy speaking business. Yup, there are a gazillion folks would love to take your money to teach you how to enter this exciting market, but none of them are the real deal. None of them actually speak for a living to real audiences who pay them for their presentations.
Seriously… before you spend 10 times this investment in learning how to be a professional speaker, check closely to see if that “teacher” really makes a living speaking to real audiences. After Brad answered hundreds of questions about how to get started speaking, Brad wised up and put his best ideas down in an easy to follow, easy to understand format. If you want to learn the real secrets from a real pro, here’s your chance.
In this 65 minute course you’ll learn:
- How to create a keynote. What is a keynote? How long should it be? What are the basic building blocks? Can you teach me the formula for a basic speech?
- How to pick (or narrow down) your speaking topic. Not sure what your motivational speech should be about exactly? Then you’ll love what Brad has to say about it.
- How to practice your keynote in “chunks” so that when you get your first paid booking, you’ll come out swinging.
- Details about how to get booked. Yes, you’ll start with some free dates, but how do you get those dates? The secrets – which are delightfully simple – are included in this course. And free dates lead to fee dates. Very cool.
- Book 50 – 100 speeches in your first year. Brad did it, and you can too. It’s easy if you know how and he’ll spill the details. (No…you aren’t going to get rich your first year, but can you imagine how GOOD you’ll be after giving just 50 programs in front of 50 different audiences?)
- You’ll learn the SINGLE most important marketing technique that took Brad about 15 years to learn.
- You’ll learn a little about websites and other promotional material for speakers.
- How you can get other (more established) speakers to refer business to you. (You’ll love this idea!)
- You’ll learn how important testimonials are for your business. And the specific techniques Brad uses to get them every time.
- You’ll learn how to to make sure every speaking date leads to more speaking dates.
- What professional speakers’ organizations you should join and why. We’re proud of this professional produced audio course. It has already helped hundreds of entry level speakers. Why not invest today in yourself and get started in the best job you’ll ever have?
Price: Only $37 (This is ridiculous. ? How much would you pay to get the best secrets from a 2 decade veteran? But for this product, we’re more interested in getting people off on the right foot than trying to make a huge profit.)
P.S. This product is 100% guaranteed. If you don’t like it, for any reason, we’ll give you your money back.
Can you tell that we think this product is good for you? ? If you want to learn how to be a professional speaker you need this audio course.