In our Client Spotlight Series we highlight some of our amazing customers who use WellAttended to sell tickets to their events. Today, you’re in for a real treat as you get to hear from Scott Wells about how the Houston Association of Magicians sold over 400 tickets to their sold-out fundraiser. Their banquet featured over 20 local strolling magicians, a fine dinner, and a gala stage show. Take it away, Scott!
Hello Scott! Can you tell us about yourself and why you became a professional magician?
I have had an interest in magic since I was a boy but it really didn’t take off until I was working as a scoutmaster and learned some rope tricks. I use the tricks in the scout meetings to get the attention of the troop. i later took a magic class then started performing for birthday parties. I continued with my full-time job in the energy business but always performed as a part-time magician. My long-term goal was to retire from the business world and become a full-time professional magician.
When I turned 55 I retired from my job and started working on cruise ships and performing in tradeshows and doing other corporate gigs. I am a three-time winner of Houston’s “magician of the year” and a member of the inner magic circle with Gold Star in England. I am also a lifetime member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians and produce my own podcast, The Magic Word, every week.
What are some of the benefits of learning magic and what’s the best way to start? Do magicians actually reveal their secrets?
I wouldn’t say that magicians reveal magic, magicians teach magic. There is a difference. And the benefits of learning magic include: creativity, self-esteem, self-confidence, choreography, organizational skills, public speaking, leadership, basic stage skills, psychology of misdirection and control, interpersonal skills, increased memory, becoming task-oriented, becoming more of an extrovert, dexterity, and hand/eye coordination (motor skills).
What is the Houston Association of magicians?
The HAOM is an umbrella group that includes members from the local IBM ring and the SAM assembly. The HAOM was originally formed to help the local groups when we host the TAOM convention in Houston.
What is the importance of this fundraiser to your organization?
Our annual event is not so much of a fundraiser as it is an opportunity for local magicians to perform for their family and friends in the Houston community. This is our annual Installation of Officers banquet and is typically run as a break even venture.
What do you hope people remember after attending your production?
That tricks are not just for kids. They have a delightful time and tell their friends and coworkers which increases our attendance every year.
This year, your fundraiser was completely sold out. What have you found to be the most effective way to fill seats?
For members to sell tickets to their friends, family and coworkers.
We love WellAttended (obviously), but can you tell us why you chose it for your patrons?
It is so much more efficient than PayPal. We didn’t have to set up anything because the model was already there. And Micah worked with us to give us special features and helped us customize our page.
How has WellAttended helped the Houston Association of Magicians?
It helped sell tickets more easily and there was less confusion at the door when people arrived who had already paid using WellAttended. Also we were paid in a more timely fashion then from Brown Paper Tickets.
What are some of your favorite features in WellAttended?
The best feature was being able to identify members of each party by their name when they showed up individually rather than with the person whose name it was under when the reservations were made.
Do you want to share anything else?
We were one of the first to use this platform and we were well pleased with WellAttended. Micah and William were very responsive to my request to customize the website to our specific needs. And each of the changes were done in a very timely manner.
Thank you Scott for contributing to our Client Spotlight Series and for giving us a peak into the inner workings of running a successful fundraiser. Congratulations on your success! Be sure to check out Scott Wells’ site scottwells.com where you can learn more about his shows and podcast. Would you like to sell tickets to your event? Click here to sign up for a free account.